Drug Hunter is an essential resource for the community of R&D innovators.
Drug Hunter distills the science behind emerging drugs and technologies into an easy-to-read and simple-to-search reference. The company was founded in 2018 out of a scientist’s frustration with existing ways to learn about new drugs and the science of pharma. Now, thousands of R&D leaders from every major pharma and biotech company in the world choose to invest their time in Drug Hunter over crawling through the literature alone.
Our products and subscription services including drughunter.com, the Drug Hunter Newsletter, Drug Hunter Events, and Drug Hunter Premium subscription distill the science behind drug discovery, helping innovators keep up with best practices, find ideas, and identify partners with a fraction of the time and cost. Drug Hunter products and services are used by researchers at every major pharma and biotech in the world, leading universities like Harvard, and top VC and equity research firms.
If you’re here reading about drug discovery for fun, you’re probably a drug hunter. If so, we’re here to help!
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower the innovators seeking tomorrow’s medicines. We’ve started to accomplish this by providing products and services that help drug hunters at every stage of drug discovery, from finding new ideas to discovering partners for their clinical candidates. Drughunter.com is the go-to resource for drug discovery innovators to learn and grow their careers in modern drug discovery. Our Drug Hunter newsletter inspires leaders in nearly every pharmaceutical R&D company worldwide with examples of molecules that matter. Experienced professionals can get the science behind emerging drugs served directly with a Premium subscription. Drug Hunter Events are the best place to connect with our community of drug discovery innovators. We’re constantly finding new ways to support drug hunters, and this is just the beginning.
Dennis and Friends
Subscribers to Drug Hunter typically have >12 years of industry experience, nearly half have been drug hunting for two decades or longer, and a significant number serve as senior executives at major public pharma and biotech companies. Drug Hunter subscribers work in every major public pharma and biotech company in the world, act as venture capitalists and investors, and are generally interested in bringing useful medicines to society.
Our Values
we’re built on science and data, not opinion or manipulation
drugs are discovered by a community effort, not individuals
effective communication is key in a team sport like drug discovery
your time is valuable, so our information is visual, contextualized, easy to access and comprehend
“why” matters – we don’t share information without tying it to why its important
we care about our community and we stay passionate about our craft
Why We Started
We love the science and impact of drug discovery. We were tired of seeing only negative press about our amazing industry, so we decided to build something online that’s useful to people like us.

Drug Hunter exists to help drug hunters do what they do best, and celebrate the milestones and knowledge-generating setbacks along the way. Drug Hunter was founded by a drug discovery scientist, and will always be run with a science focus.

If there are more ways we can help you, or if you want to help us in our mission, please get in touch!
From Our Members
“I look forward to reading the summaries that come out every month. It helps me keep up to date on what’s going on in the industry.”
Hilary Beck
Vice President, Head of Chemistry, Eikon Therapeutic / VC-Backed Biotech
Our team is dedicated to helping drug discovery scientists succeed.
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