
Ying Zhang

Vice President of Chemistry at X-Chem

Ying joined X-Chem in December 2010 and serves as VP of Chemistry. Ying has over 20 years of experience in discovery chemistry and the design and preparation of compound libraries for early drug discovery. Prior to X-Chem, she worked in lead discovery at Merck Research Laboratories (formerly SPRI-Cambridge, Schering-Plough), where she managed the design and synthesis of library compounds for the automated ligand identification system (ALIS) platform and participated in numerous lead discovery programs. Before joining SPRI, Ying was senior investigator II at ArQule, managing the compound file enrichment program for the Pfizer-ArQule collaboration. Ying received her B.S. in chemistry from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, and her Ph.D. in organic chemistry from George Washington University. She received postdoctoral training in medicinal chemistry at the National Institutes of Health.

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