
Candice M. Hughes

A serial entrepreneur and innovation expert with biopharma compliance expertise, Dr. Hughes is known for turnarounds and startup launches. At Hughes BioPharma, founded in 2005, Dr. Hughes restructures R&D operations processes and compliance at global biopharmas, having worked with 50% of the largest 25 global pharmas and smaller biotechs. An early digital health startup founder, she also founded a gold standard healthcare division at a venture capital backed media firm. Living Loud Living Long for 50up women digital well-living community and media startup was founded by Dr. Hughes in 2021. 
Dr. Hughes is a Board of Director member and Deputy Global Chair (Affinity Group) at the Healthcare Business Women’s Association. She was a Board of Directors Member and co-owner focused on Corporate Governance and Compliance at a mid-size for-profit private energy firm. 
She received her PhD in Neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine and MBA with Beta Gamma Sigma honors at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. She conducted postdoctoral work on Alzheimer’s Disease at University of Rochester School of Medicine. She provided industry input as a Delegate at the White House Working Families Business Schools Convening and participant at Milken Institute Future of Health Summit. She is a sought after startup Advisor, Board Member, speaker and published author.

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