
Adi Murthy

Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology

Aditya Murthy is currently Director of Cell Biology at Interline Therapeutics. His motivation is to leverage the growing catalog of human genetic variation in inflammatory diseases in order to better understand their underlying mechanisms and develop novel therapeutics for chronic diseases. Adi obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Medical Biophysics, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at Genentech, Inc. There, he investigated the genetics and mechanisms of inflammatory bowel disease. As a group leader in Cancer Immunology at Genentech, Adi’s research focused on translating insights from human genetics of chronic inflammatory diseases to actionable pathways for immuno-oncology (Freund et al. 2020; Lim et al. 2019; Lim et al. 2020; Maculins et al. 2021; Samie, et al 2018).

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