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    DILI is a leading cause of acute liver failure, accounting for half of these cases and often resulting in drug withdrawals. Understanding and managing DILI risk as a medicinal chemist involves exploring the intricate interplay among properties and structural features. In this article, we provide a medicinal chemist's perspective on the current understanding of DILI mechanisms, highlight cutting-edge assay developments for a holistic assessment, and discuss strategies for predicting DILI risks.


    GDC-1971 is an orally bioavailable allosteric inhibitor of the SHP2 phosphatase discovered by Relay Therapeutics, and in clinical development by Genentech both as a monotherapy and in combination with several anticancer therapies. SHP2 inhibitors are being hotly pursued since they may combine with numerous classes of clinically important agents. This article provides a primer on SHP2 as an oncology target, the disclosed molecules in the space, how RLY-1971 was identified, and what the industry is watching for.


    LTGO-33 is a state-independent NaV1.8 inhibitor with over 600-fold selectivity for the NaV1.8 channel over other sodium channels. Chronic pain affects millions, and existing treatments offer limited efficacy, risk of abuse, and low tolerability. There is an urgent need for new drugs that target validated pain mechanisms such as NaV1.8, which has recently gained increased attention. This article explores the unique pharmacological properties of LTGO-33, setting it apart from earlier NaV1.8 inhibitors.


    STC15 is Storm Therapeutics' first-in-class and first-to-clinic inhibitor of the post-transcriptional RNA modifier, METTL3, which progressed from HTS hit to clinical development in less than three years. METTL3 inhibitors have been previously identified, but no METTL3 inhibitors have entered clinical development until now. In this article, we explore METTL3 as a therapeutic target, highlight the discovery story of STC15, its fascinating mechanism of action, provide the latest clinical development update, and much more.


    NOTICE: To support planned enhancements and preserve Drug Hunter's scientific independence from advertisers, the "Molecules of the Month" series will soon become a "Members Only" feature. If your institution is not already a member, you can request plan information here. June was notable for several high-profile and structurally related WEE1 inhibitors, including AstraZeneca’s defunct adavosertib [...]