While biologic drugs currently dominate in immunology by sales , small molecule immunomodulators (SMIMs) are making a comeback fueled by better understanding of intracellular signaling pathways and new hit finding technologies. SMIMs can be grouped into two categories: those that engage large molecule (LM) targets in a new [...]
This article explains what Phase I drug metabolism is, contains a poster summarizing common enzyme-mediated drug metabolism reactions, and provides interesting examples of phase I biotransformations and their impact on drug pharmacology. By Drake Anthony Russell , reviewed by Dr. Dian Su and Dr. Julia Shanu-Wilson. Thanks to Hypha Discovery [...]
If you are as excited as we are about this new era of non-opioid pain management and want to learn more, explore our series of articles that unravel the fascinating history of target validation of voltage-gated sodium channels, showcase the breakthroughs achieved so far, and look forward to what lies ahead for the industry.
You’ve probably lived this story before: you’re working on your favorite kinase, YFK1, and are looking for selective inhibitors over YFK2. The problem is, they’re virtually identical near the active site, save for a single residue sitting in the back pocket that your amazing structural biologist has identified. The team [...]
This page contains Drug Hunter's practical PK calculators useful for day-to-day drug discovery, including a PK unit converter such as for uM to ng/mL unit conversion, an animal study requirement calculator for how much material to synthesize in preparation for animal studies, and a simple human equivalent dose estimator . Who doesn't find [...]